Sriram Engineering College Department Of ECE IEEE Student Chapter Inauguration 2nd March ,2017

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Engineering has successfully inaugurated the “IEEE –Student Chapter” in SriRam Engineering College on 2nd March ,2017 at 10.30 am. The honourable members of SriRam Educational Trust, the Director Dr.G.Goplakrishnan and the Principal Dr.S.Manikandan presided over the function. Dr.R.Muthammal,Dean , Research delivered the welcome address and Dr. T.S. Geetha, Program coordinator introduced the IEEE-Student Chapter . Dr.M.A. Atmanand (Scientist ‘G’ and chairman-IEEE Madras Section and former Director of NIOT) esteemed the ceremony as the honourable chief guest and delivered the inaugural address, stating the benefits of IEEE Student Chapter and the programmes they have planned for the student’s community .The guest of honour Shri.H.R.Mohan (Vice Chairman –IEEE) was introduced by Dr.P.Saravanan (Head- EEE) . Shri H.R.Mohan delivered a special address on the exciting features of IEEE including IEEE TV channel ,e-library called Explora project and course work funding facilities. The inaugural ceremony magnificiently ended with the vote of thanks by Mr.V. Salai Selvam (Head-ECE) .

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