Rotaract Club of Sriram Enginering College Installation Ceremony was organized on 21-2-2017 at 10.30 AM in Mini Auditorium at our college premises

Rotaract Club of Sriram Engineering College Installation Ceremony was organized on 21-2-2017 at 10.30 AM in Mini Auditorium. Presidential address was given by the chief guest Rtn. M. Krishna sai, Secretary, Rotary club of Chennai sun city. Rtn. James walter – Director – youth service and Rtn.V.Ganesh-President of Rotary club of Chennai sun city were the guest of Honours. Dr. S. Manikandan, Principal SREC and Dr.S.Ravi-Vice Principal SREC were present.Rtr.Praveen raja (Ex-Join secretary- Rotaract club of SREC)read out the Previous year report. Rtr. A. Augestin Simon was elected as Student President (2016-2017) of Rotaract club of Sriram Engineering College. Office bearers of Rotaract club of SREC were taken the oath. 150 Rotaract club of SREC students were participated in the Ceremony

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