The National level one day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Industrial Design Softwrare” held on 14/03/2018.

The National level one day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Industrial Design Software” held on 14/03/2018.

The National level one day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Industrial Design Softwrare” was conducted in Mechanical Engineering Department of Sriram Engineering College on 14.03.2018. Dr.S.Ravi. Professor and Head, welcomed the gathering and also explained the importance of Design soft ware’s in industry. The Resource person for the session was Mr.MithunLal H, Application Engineer, Institute of Industrial Design and Chennai. Bodrum escort bayan The topic covered during seminar sessions are 3D Printing, Reverse Engineering and Sketching etc. The audience for the session was II and III year of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering students. Finally Vote of thanks was given by the Event Coordinator Mr.D.Jayabalakrishnan, Assistant Professor/Mechanical erotik porno film izle

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