The Department of Automobile Engineering organized a 4th National level Conference on ”Developments in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering”(DAME-2019) on 8.3.19 at Sriram Engineering College.

The Welcome address was given by Dr.P.Prabhu, Associate Professor and Head, Convener-DAME 19, had briefed about the reason for conducting conference and on the achievements of the department.

The Conference had several staffs and students participating from various colleges and exhibiting their talents.

The Programme was felicitated by Dr.S.R.Kannan, Principal-SREC, he briefed about the day-to-day issues and how young students contribute to today’s society

Mr.G.Mahesh Coordinator-DAME’19 introduced about the chief guest

Dr. P. Sai Prasad, Chief Scientific Officer, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board, Chennai, who addressed the gathering on the effect of pollutants on the environment, inaugurated the Conference.

Several papers from various colleges were received out of which around 60 paper were shortlisted and call for Presentation. Thus giving solution to the problems of day-to-day life were also seen at the conference. Students and Faculty members from various college attended the events.

Mr.P.Vignesh, Coordinator-DAME’19, delivered the vote of the thanks to the gathering.

4th national Conference “Development in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering DAME 2019” (Click here to view details )

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