Latest Trends in Automotive Engine and Vibration Analysis” – 12/02/2019

Department of Automobile Engineering in Sriram Engineering college organised a guest lecture on “Latest Trends in Automotive Engine and Vibration Analysis” on 12.02.2019.Dr.P.Prabhu, Associate Professor & Head , Automobile Engineering addressed and welcome the gathering.Mr.D.jagadesh, gave a briefs introduction about the Guest. Head of the Department Honored the chief guest Mr.R.Govardhana Giri, Director Atalon. Later our guest Mr.R.Govardhana Giri addressed the gathering with latest technologies that play major role in Automotive sector.

Explaining the concepts of Sensor that play vital role in Automotive engine that control the entire unit. Talking about the vibration control over engine is a major problem faced in Automobile. Materials are challenging major role in automobile industries. Made the session more attractive by giving the case study of Tata Nano car, that how it was challenge to built in 1lakh, the major factor that contributed it.

He also gave an experimental explanation about the frequency and resonance related to vibration. Thus making the lecture more interactive to students. The students of our department felt more knowledgeable and had more informative to their field.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.S.Dinesh for the valuable guest lecture program.

Honoring the chief guest Mr.R.Govardhana Giri

Prepared and Submitted By:

Mr.S. Dinesh,
Assistant Professor
Department of Automobile Engineering

Associate Professor & Head
Department of Automobile Engineering,