Mechanical Dept- Guest Lecture on “Design of Transmission Systems” – 28/12/18

Date: 28/12/18

Venue: Mini Auditorium

Time: 10.30AM To 12.30PM

Attended by: II and III Year students

Guest Name: Dr.V.Jayakumar

Professor School of Mechanical Engineering Saveetha University Chennai

Topic:      “Design of Transmission Systems”

The Guest Lectures was conducted in Mechanical Engineering Department of Sriram Engineering College on 28.12.2018. The program started at 10.30 A.M with inauguration. Basics concepts of Design, Various Types of Transmission system Elements and their Applications, The concept of multi-speed Gearbox design were discussed. The target audience for the session was II and III year Mechanical Engineering students. As per the feedback received from the participants, it was a very good learning experience; the lecture helped them in their understanding of the Concept of Design of Transmission Systems.

Student participation in the Guest lecture
Dr.V.Jayakumar delivering the lecture

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