The inauguration of Institution of Engineers (India) student chapter was held on 10-01-2019

Er. G. Jayarajan, Chairman – IEI TVLC and Dr. L. Ramesh Secretary – IEI TVLC inaugurated the event today (10.01.2019,9:00 AM). Venue: Mini Auditorium, Sriram Engineering College.
IEI members of CSE (30), MECH (46) students participated in the function.

Dr. S. Manikandan, Hod-CSE, SREC gave welcome address and Dr. S. R. Kannan, Principal, SREC delivered the presidential address.

Officially the IEI student chapter certificate handed over to Principal – SREC by Er. G. Jayarajan Chairman – IEI TVLC.

Dr. N. Sankar Ram, Faculty Advisor/CSE introduced the office-bearers and Mr. K. Srinivasan, Faculty Advisor/Mech briefed about the proposed activities to be conducted under IEI student chapter.

The Office- Bearers details are given below:

S.NoName of the studentName of the Post
1S. ShalmankhanChairman
2V.AkshayVice Chairman
3J. ManjunathSecretary
4A.NeshanthJoint Secretary
5M. ParvathyTreasurer
6A. SakthivelJoint Treasurer
7R.M. Lokesh Raj

Executive Committee Members
8D. Abinaya
10V.Jagadees Kumar
11D.B. Naga Muruga
12R. Samuel Sundar

Chairman – IEI TVLC explained briefly about the IEI student chapter and the Secretary – IEI TVLC explained the activities taking place in IEI TVLC and both of them motivated the students to actively involve and participate in the forthcoming activities.

Finally, Dr. S. Ravi, Hod-Mech, SREC delivered the vote of thanks and the function was ended with National Anthem.

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