One day Workshop on “ Android App Development” on 24.08.18

A One day Workshop on “ Android App Development” was organised by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering under Association of Computer Science Engineers on 24.8.18 in the CISCO Lab. The Workshop was conducted by Mr.S.Manoj and Mr. Mukundan, IT TRAINERS, DREAMS SCAPE CHENNAI. The programme was started with the welcome address by our HOD Prof. Dr. S.Manikandan, followed by the briefing of the Workshop by Prof. Dr. N. Sankar Ram. The Morning Session started with the basics of evolution of computers, Programming concepts. The Afternoon Session was full of implementation of Android App using Eclipse, Java, etc., The Workshop was very useful as the topic was about developing Android App which is a trending one nowadays. He gave a hands on opportunity to learn the fundamentals in developing an Android App. The Students were very much interactive and gained knowledge. The Workshop was concluded by giving away certificates to the student participants.

Workshop Session handled by Mr. S. Manoj, IT TRAINER Dreams Scape Chennai on 24.08.18
Certificate Distribution to the Students

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